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Old 13-03-2006, 10:59 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Independence, Missouri : USA
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devynmapes is on a distinguished road

Heh, ya. The damage you inflict on ur team mates of friendly should be inflicted to you. I've played America's Army for a wile now and almoast every server I go on, right as you start the game, a noob throws a grenade at the begining of the round and TKs the entire squad. It would be better if it just killed him, and let us play.
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Old 20-03-2006, 06:42 PM   #2 (permalink)
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El3ment4u is on a distinguished road
Default i like

i like fire bomb form CS :D
give me some ligth
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Old 20-03-2006, 07:05 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Ao1xWayTuu is on a distinguished road

Yup, I hate to admit it, but he's right!
"Payback is a Bitch" always comes to mind in the heat of a battle :D
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Old 30-05-2006, 09:06 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Reignier is on a distinguished road
Default new take

Ok guys go with me on this. I love realism in my games so having ff off is stupid. if you walk up to a helmetless friend and pump 2 shotgun shells in his face he is supposed to die. this is in no way affirming tkers because i hate them with a passion but if they ARE to have ff off then they should do it in a new way.

My suggestion is to have each army with a force field in their body armor and a small receptor inside the amunition. thus just like in Metal Gear that girl where ever single bullet missed her it would be like that. if you are shooting and a friendly walks in front of you the bullets will curve their trajectory. yes it will mess up some things and could probably be exploiteed i just hate the lack of realism.

Another idea is to just have ff on some servers and off for others. like in americas army it has like 500000000000 servers and each has its own rules so if you want to be a tking dousche then you can go and do it with others just like you.

Finally if none of those tickle your fancy then have the programmers put in some extra time and have an attack of a person doing 10% of a persons total health be ignored while a all out kill be done somthing about. with recognition of the kind of gun taken into account of course. and also if you blow someone up with a rocket its ok as long as you took out 200% health of enemies.

Beyond that, the person who is attacked should deffinately have the option.

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Old 30-05-2006, 09:10 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Felix12g is on a distinguished road

One thing that's built into all UT engines is the FF percentage. Anything from 0% no damage from FF to 100% being guns do full damage. Granted this wouldn't help the asshats filling you with lead, just something to think about.

As for the TK'ing, sometimes it is necessary, both to teammates and other scrubs around you. If some guy is being an asshat, I'll fill his face with lead despite the consequences. FF penalties can't be too stringent because of this as well as just random FF accidents. But it can't be too lax where people can exploit it and be asshats.

The best way to take care of tk kiddies is an active admin presense and a good report system for TK'ers.
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Old 13-06-2006, 02:10 AM   #6 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Kitsune is on a distinguished road

no xp penatly.. no *stuck* in place, no banned from the area for a certain amount of time.. no automatically killed... no weapon lock...

Probably flagged and can be killed now without consiquence..

Realize it will happen in large scale battles.. your all mature and over 17 * I hope* so you wont be like WAAAAAHHHHHHh he killed me =( /cry /babynoise REPORTED!! and choose one of the options above.. be ready for it because it will happen.
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